Room Acoustics
Room Parameters
Timo Peltonen has a PPT file that goes over the assessment of room
acoustics. In this presentation a number of parameters are
presented along with the means of calculating those parameters.
This presentation can be found at
The parameters we have interest in are the following:
- Reverberation time, T, RT or T60 (This is the
time for the sound to decay by 60 dB.)
- Early decay time, T10 (This is the time for the
sound to decay its initial 10 dB.)
- Clarity, C (This is related to the energy during the first
50 to 80 ms compared to the energy after that time.)
- Definition, D (This is related to the energy during the
first 50 to 80 ms compared to the total energy of the sound field.)
These parameters are calculated in the Software package ACMUS
Assessment Software
Room assessment will be accomplished using ACMUS. This software
samples the sound field of the room while playing a sound file.
Using the technique of inpulse response. Information about this
software package can be accessed through
This software is released through SourceForge.